Automatic Fast Request Updater

This page represent information about the AFRU software which was developed for the Ericsson Company.

Requests coming from customer side needs to be followed accurately and in a certain time line. Hence, following the request with technical staffs is crucial to meet the contract SLAs and make sure that request will be done in time. However, it is a time consuming and harsh job according to the volume of the incomming requests.

Automatic Fast Request Updater, is an application developed for asking updates and following the requests with the trackers of request automatically. This software can intelligently recognize that which request ticket has not been updated during the agreed Update SLAs and sends out update requests exactly to those ones. The software is scalable, and the name and Emails of the new resources can easily be added to software.

This software has basically saved 42 Man-Hour for Ericsson Company and reduced 1 person in Front Office shifts which was resposible for updating the tickets manually. The program is effective on making sure that request are being followed just in time.

For reciving more information you might get in contact with me via the channels shared in the "Contacts Page".
Below you might found some snapshots from this software.

Fast Request Updater Software Logo         Fast Request Updater Main Panel