Bachelor Projects

This page contains general information about my Bachelor Project which was "Design & Implementation of a USB-Interface and a Closed Loop Controller in Order to Monitor and Control the Speed of a DC-Motor in Real-Time".

This project initially was the designing a USB Interface, through which a computer program can communicate with an other external device. To reach to this goal a hardware was designed and tested in the Proteus software, then the layout of the tested circuit was designed in the ProtelDXP software and finnaly the hardware was produced and implemented. Meanwhile a software was designed using C#.Net language to make the computer to be able to communicate through the produced USB Interface.

The commands sent by the software could have been shown on the LCD of the designed hardware. The designed hardware was a versatile harware and the configuration could have been changed to support different applications. Accordingly, the hardware was configured to create a PID controller with the purpose of controlling the speed of a DC-Motor in real time. To do so, another hardware was also designed and implemented to supply the power to the DC motor.

The resultant project was a PC software with user friendly panels. Through these pannels the operator was able to control the speed of the rotation, fast stop, freelance stop, rotation direction (clockwise or anticlockwise) and the parameters of the PID controller. The parameters and commands could be recived via PC program and then sent to PID controller via the USB Interface. The speed of the DC motor was being measured by a shaft encoder and then the real speed values were being sent to the PID controller and also the PC software.

You might get more information by contacting with me in case you are interested. The contact information are accessible via "Contact Page".

USB Interface hardware (Designed & Implemented) PC Software to communicate with an external device