Master Project
This page provides general information about my Master Project which was on Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks using Recieved Signal Stregth method.
One of the vital needs in the emerging WSN technology is the accessing to the location information of the nodes using inexpensive methods and algorithms. In general, localization methods can be categorized into Range-free and Range-based methods. The prior methods, use connectivity information of the nodes and usually do not need an special hardware, while the latter methods use range or angle information and need special harware except the RSSI method. Generally, Range-based methods are more precise than Range-free ones. In this project, a new algorithm named AEM was introduced in order to decrease the localization error and increase the coverage of the localization considerably. This method uses Received Signal Strength Indicator to estimate the node's position, however, despite traditional models, uses a non-circular models and hence increases the accuracy of the model.
Moreover, the parameters of the models are obtained adaptively from the environment and hence the low accuracy, initial settings of parameters and changing the values of the parameters by time, which were the disadvantages of theoretical models, were solved. Finally, Monte Carlo simulations were performed and high performance of the algorithm over the other algorithms was shown. These findings were published in a paper and indexed in the IEEE which can be found here.
Below pictures are representing very brief description on the project, in which the non-circular models are produced adaptively from the environment and then used to solve the related equations inorder to perform the localization.
Sample of a PLE in the environment
Sample of a PLC in the environment
Sample of a PLE Model
Sample of a PLC Model
Sample of a Range Model
The presentation of this project can be downloaded from the below button. The presetation contains information about the localization methos as well as simulation results. The simulations of this project are carried out in the MATLAB. The simulation codes are not published in the public due to minimize the plagiarism. However, you can recieve them by sending me an Email requesting for the simulation codes. Please feel free to contact in case you have any question about the details of this localization method. The contact information can be found in the "Contact Page" of this website.
Master Project Presentation